Ordinary Lives can be Holy
March 9 - 9:30am
Luke 4:1-13

Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, March 5
6:30-8:30am, 7:00pm

Fellowship Dinner
March 19, 6:30pm
Hosted by Troop 104

Mission Focus
During March we will be collecting Styrofoam plates and bowls, plastic utensils, and trash bags for Shepherd Community Center. Whatever you are able to contribute can be left the display at church. Mission will take our donations to the community center the first week of April.
We see each person as a precious gift from God. Whatever your uniqueness or distinction, your are most welcome here.
AUMC is a Christain community made of human beings, who are all flawed and broken in some way. Our journey together as "church" is to love, learn, share and serve in God's unconditional grace. We do these things with a great deal of laughter and sometimes some tears.
We invite you to walk with us as we all try to be a little more like Jesus today then we were yesterday.

Giving at AUMC

Sunday Offering
Traditional giving on Sunday morning is simple. Place your gift (either cash or check) in our offering plate during worship. There are giving envelopes in each pew if you would like your offering to be included in your giving statement. If you would like to designate where your gift will go, please note that on the offering. All non-designated offerings will go to our core giving.

Electronic Giving
Electronic giving is an easy and safe way to give. You can give on a time by time basis or setup to give on a schedule. Options for giving include core giving, missions, special offerings, and an option for you designated where else you might want to give.

Text to Give
Giving on your phone is safe and quick. Text a code to 44321 and in a few easy steps, your gift has been given.
- COREGIVE - Core Giving
- AMAZE - Amazing Mission Fund
- UMCORWORLD - UMCOR International Relief