Current Events
If you want to be a part of what we are doing here at Acton, we would love to have you. Beyond worship on Sunday mornings at 9:30, we play and serve throughout the week. Come when you can and serve where you are led. We look forward to getting to know you better.

Sunday Morning Worship - Sundays, 9:30am
Join us for worship and fellowship.

Youth Group - Sunday, 5:30-7:00pm @Church
Our youth, ages 6-12 grades are meeting on Sunday evenings, 5:30-7:00pm, at Acton UMC. Dinner is served as well as a faith-based lesson, games, and lots of fellowship and fun. All are invited and you are encouraged to bring your friends. Call the office or speak with Andy or Diane Crane if you have questions.

Prayer Service - Thursdays, 6:00pm
Join us as we cover our world, our community, our church, and our family and

Fellowship Dinner - December 18, 6:00pm
We will be holding our Christmas dinner on Wednesday, December 18. Caroling starts at 6:00pm and dinner will be served at 6:30pm. Please bring a side or dessert to share.

Longest Night Service - December 19, 7:00pm
On December 19 we will be joining to recognize the long nights before Christmas and the struggle with darkness and grief for all of us.

Christmas Eve Worship - December 24, 7:00pm
Join for our traditional candlelight service on Christmas Eve. This is a family friendly service, and all are welcome.
God's Bounty - January 9
Volunteer to pack and hand out food at God's Bounty, the Franklin Township food pantry. Acton's next turn to serve is on Thursday, January 9. Help is needed in the morning to unload and pack food and in afternoon to hand out food. Call the office to volunteer. Electronic sign-up sheet will be sent out the Friday before we serve or click here to volunteer.

Reading Circle - January 20, 6:30pm
Join the ladies in a discussion on Alan Hlad's book, Churchill's Secret Messenger. They will be meeting at Margie Townsend's home on Monday, January 20 at 6:30pm. All are welcome. See Margie or Audrey Robert's for directions or more details.