Children's Worship
On Sundays after the children's message, kids ages 4 through 5th grade have their own worship experience including bible lessons, snacks, games, crafts, science experiments and mission projects. The first Sundays, kids stay in worship with their families to share the Lord’s Supper.

Bible Games
All ages are invited to Bible Games on the first Sundays after worship. We meet upstairs and learn about the Bible as we play. We've been known to give out prizes!

Sunday Morning Childcare
Childcare is provided for ages up to 4 years old. Our nursery is on the ground-level. Our Toddler Room for those that have out-grown the nursery is upstairs. Both the nursery and toddler room are staffed by volunteers.

Easter Egg Hunt
Nothing beat a traditional easter egg hunt! There will be hunts for ages including youth and seniors, a craft activity, hot dogs, Dake the Dragon, a cake walk, and more. This is a free event for our community so all are inivted.

Summer Kids Klub
Acton's Summer Kids Klub is for kids preschool through 5th grade. We invite them to join us on Wednesday mornings in June and July for adventure and fun. Kids Klub is from 10:00-12:00pm and includes games, lessons, crafts, lunch, and much more! Kids do not have to come every week. They can come on the Wednesdays they are available.

Trunk or Treat
Our annual Trunk-or-Treat event takes place on Halloween night from 6-8:00pm. The event includes trunks full of candy, hot dogs, snacks, and spooky fun! This is free event for the community and all are invited.